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Sackett, Talon & 

Chantry Family Notes
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Sackett - Talon - Chantry
The Three Family Series (cont.)

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Comments by Beau L'Amour appear in Brackets and BLUE:
{Here are some VERY early notes on the Three Family Series before Louis had even written Sackett's Land ... as you can see the names of the characters haven't even become fixed yet. If you are familiar with LL's books in these series don't let this confuse you too much ... he didn't have it worked out yet and he made plenty of changes from this point on. Actually, it is likely that after writing this out he never looked at it again and didn't even remember it very well. Even though this is a very early prototype for the Three Family Series it is probably closer to the grand plan that Louis originally envisioned than what he actually produced. When you get down there in the trenches with your characters sometimes your plan of battle goes right out the window.}


1. Barnabas Sackett visits America, returns.

2. Barnabas Sackett estabs, trade-post, plantation, visits Tennessee Mts., marries.

3. Three sons, one daughter: James, Mundy and Serlo; the daughter is Dulcitia.

James and Mundy go trading in Tennessee and Kentucky.

James {later became the character Jubal} is captured by Indians and never seen again (he will appear briefly in a later story, far to the west)

Mundy settles in mountains of Tennessee.

Serlo {later became the character Brian} returns to England; resumes life there briefly, further adventures.

Barnabas: 1579-1650? James? MUNDY 1602-1675?

Serlo: 1604-1680?

Dulcitia: 1606-1690? {later became the character Noelle}

4. DIGORY, son of MUNDY: b. 1630-1702;

Stephen, son of M.    b. 1632-1648; (k. by I.)

Laura, d. of M.       b. 1634-1690 (c. by I.)

Pye son of M.         b. 1635-1690 (searches for capt. sister, frees her w. help of strange Indian who may be James. Or???)

5. DIGORY, fought in Indian wars on frontier; beginning of Higgins feud.

Tristam, son of D;    b. 1660-1745.

Peter,   son of D;    b. 1664-1720.

Theo,    son of D;    b. 1665-1700. (ki. by H.)

Rafe,    son of D;    b. 1667-1700. (ki. ny H.)

6. Tristam: (capt. by Spanish, taken to Mexico, escaped, rode north thru Mexico, Texas, to NM, Colo. by boat down river to St. Louis & Pittsburg)

Daubeny  son of T. b. 1700-1768.

Bonny    d. of T.  b. 1703-1790.

Henry    son of T. b. 1705-1725. (ki. by H.

Richard  son of T. b. 1708-1730. k. by I.

7. DAUBENY: (an old Indian comes to him, is taken and dies there; he is son of JAMES, brings strange story to Daubeny.

BATTEN son of Daubeny    b. 1746-1830

SKINNER & SPOONER, TWINS b. 1750-1814??

TALLY                    b. 1754-1850.

8. TALLY: fought in Rev. with brothers, and a Higgins or two. (They’ll resume their fight when they get home)


Outlaw Sacketts are descended from Pye;

The Flat-land Sacketts from Peter.

A later Sackett will be KIOWA Sackett, with whom I must do much.

One Sackett, perhaps Kiowa in one of the stories will follow the old migration route back thru Canada on the Great North Trail.


1. TATTON CHANTRY: 1581-1610.

Ends in Ireland; he is 41, son brn about 1605,

daughter two yrs. later. Settles on estate in

west Ireland. Meets a Sackett.

2. His son & daughter: Cromwell period???

3. His grandsons, cousins: a Hedge{row} poet-teacher,

one of the Wild Geese. Meet in Ireland, come

to Newfoundland, to Canada, to New England.

About 1670? W{ild} G{oose, Geese} serves with a Talon.

4. About 1690, King William’s War or other.

(A reluctant hero, doesn’t want to fight)


5. About 1722: Lovewell’s War or something.

6. About 1650: With Gist, and thru Cumberland Gap.

7. Revolutionary War (meets a Sackett)

After, to frontier.

8. War of 1812: Toronto and New Orleans.

9. Texas War for Independence; moves west. A

prisoner; finds relatives among Spanish.

10. Enters western period.


Editor's Note: We will continue to add to this section on an ongoing basis. Eventually we will have ALL of Louis' notes on this subject up and organized (as best we can) so that you can see the whole picture.

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